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How to deal with Rejection

Publised on: 
March 22, 2023



Rejection is painful, but it does not have to hold you back. When we are not included, accepted, or approved of, we feel rejected. Rejection entails the loss of something we own or desire. And rejection, like abandonment, makes us feel unwanted and inadequate. Each of us feels the sorrow of rejection, but mentally strong people use it to grow stronger and better. Rejection stings, whether it comes from being excluded from a social event or being passed over for a promotion. However, how you respond to rejection could decide the entire direction of your life.


We naturally wish to shield ourselves from future rejection since rejection is so unpleasant. We do this by raising emotional barriers or refraining from disclosing vulnerable information, such as difficulties, hopes, and dreams. We mistakenly believe that keeping people at a distance will save us from becoming attached or falling in love, or that rejection will be less painful if the other person doesn't know us well.


Another thing that happens is that we begin to anticipate rejection. We believe rejection is unavoidable, so we reject the other person before they can reject us. Again, we believe that this will spare us the agony. Rejecting people may give us a sense of control and power, but it does not make the loss any less painful. Here are a few ways that mentally strong people deal with rejection:

Acknowledge Your Emotions

Rather than suppressing, ignoring, or denying your feelings, acknowledge them. Recognize your feelings of embarrassment, sadness, disappointment, or discouragement. Have faith in your ability to confront unpleasant feelings face-on, as this is critical to dealing with your discomfort in a healthy way.

Trying to diminish your pain by telling yourself or others that it was "no big deal" will only make it worse. The greatest method to deal with unpleasant feelings is to confront them.

Don't hold it against yourself

It's reasonable to be curious about why you were rejected. However, rejection does not always have a clear explanation. And when we don't have answers, we usually blame ourselves; we assume we messed up, we weren't enough, we're unlovable, difficult, foolish, and so on. Remember that you may have been raised to feel that you are inadequate and that you are to fault for your rejection. You can now choose to reject these beliefs. You're more qualified as an adult to explore alternate explanations and causes for rejection. There are numerous reasons for rejection, and even the most gorgeous, intelligent, accomplished, and charming individuals get rejected.

Stop making their actions about you

Whatever the reason for their rejection, it isn't always about you!  Someone else cannot make you accept or reject something, and you cannot make another person be accepting or rejecting. Every instant, we choose who we want to be. Believing that you cause others to reject you gives you more control over others than you already have! You have no control over who others choose to be. Not taking other people's actions personally will greatly assist you in lovingly dealing with rejection.

Learn From Rejection

Ask yourself, "What did I gain from this?" Rather than simply tolerating the pain, transform it into a chance for personal development. We can develop stronger and better as a result of each rejection.

Rejection can be a useful teacher, whether you learn about areas in your life that need development or simply discover that getting turned down isn't as bad as you expected. Take rejection as an opportunity to grow as a person.


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