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Team Zariya

Freedom from unwanted emotions

Publised on: 
February 2, 2021

Unwanted emotions are nothing but a by-product of thoughts. These emotions or feelings like stress, anxiety, fear, and anger, have a weakening effect on our health. In addition to ideal food to keep good health, we also need positive feelings like peace, love, and courage. Hence, it is important to understand the right method of handling emotions so that we lead a peaceful, happy and healthy life.  

When we talk about dealing with unwanted emotions, we must understand that it can be a very tricky thing, and it can often lead to disappointments and a lot of unhappiness. We are all familiar with people who are supposedly calm, nothing bothers them, and then one day something goes wrong and they explode in a fit of rage. Or the relationship where everything was going along nicely and all of a sudden, out of the blue, one partner announces that they are leaving. 

Our emotions impact every area of our lives and are the often-hidden drivers of our behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. When we feel things we would rather not, most people will attempt to suppress the feeling, rather than look for the original cause or source of the feeling. Some of the things people do to suppress feelings are:

  1. Eat, even if not hungry
  2. Smoke, cigarettes, or cigars
  3. Go shopping
  4. Take legal prescription drugs
  5. Drink alcohol
  6. Engage in extreme sports
  7. Engage in a fight, or abuse others
  8. Engage in gossip
  9. Take illegal drugs
  10. Work harder
  11. Engage in sexual activity and etc 

You will notice from the above list, that these activities, when taken to the extreme are harmful to one’s health and are often destructive to other people also. Most people allow destructive emotions to dwell in them. When such emotions are entertained for a long period, they adversely affect health. These are also one of the major causes of depression. Now Let’s take a deeper look into this topic to help ourselves in the best way. 

We know what emotions are and we also know when a certain kind of emotion arises, but have you ever wondered what is every emotion trying to seek? Every emotion is only trying to be understood so it can be released. It wants your attention and wants you to witness and understand what it is trying to say rather than trying to suppress it or trying to escape it as mentioned above. 

The need now is to understand the right methods to achieve freedom from unwanted emotions. here are a few ways through which you can rise to the heights of your health and be the best version of yourself ----

The trick is to neither express, nor suppress, but witness emotions from a detached standpoint.

  1. Try to understand what the emotion is telling you 

Be aware and be alert about how you are feeling and the changes that are happening in your body at that point in time. Understand that any emotion is temporary and it will vanish after some time. Only Who-we-truly –are is permanent. Witnessing emotions with this understanding will help in releasing emotions. This witnessing must be done with true love and acceptance of those feelings, which de-energizes them and leads to their release. The emotions get released when witnessed with love because there is neither attachment nor aversion in pure love.

  1. Do not label the emotions as GOOD or BAD emotions 

When you stop labeling your emotions and terming some to be good and others to be bad, you start to witness a sense of alikeness or sameness. When we slow down and watch the painful and pleasurable emotions with an attitude of sameness, what may appear to be a heavyweight emotion, will then turn out to be very light this usually happens because the subconscious programming triggers an instant impulsive reaction by giving an exaggerated weight to the emotion. So, when you don’t show bias and treat all the emotions, in the same manner, this makes It easier to detach from any emotion.

  1. Be vigilant

It is very important for you to be alert and have a sharp eye towards what is happening within you, when you are not alert, the natural tendency is to identify with the stories that the mind creates and releasing their associated emotions. You then get affected by these emotions. You must learn to be attentive and witness these emotions so you do not get carried away by their effects. We need to have the awareness that is uncompromisingly focused on itself so it makes it easier for us to remain detached.

With these few steps, you could achieve the idea of ‘’freedom from unwanted emotions’’.

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One comment on “Freedom from unwanted emotions”

  1. Wow, very nicely explained. Major takeaways for me are: explanation about pure love; and para 3 about being vigilant.

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