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Team Zariyaa

How to handle Rejection

Publised on: 
July 11, 2020

Rejection is a part of life, it’s a part of growing to become the best version of yourself. It can feel so painful, but it doesn't have to. Life wouldn’t be the same for you if you had no fear of rejection. Life changes so much for the betterment of you when you learn how to lovingly manage rejection.

Rejection can occur at work, at parties and social gatherings. I'm not referring to someone you are in a relationship with leaving you. That is a different issue and needs to be managed differently than rejection from casual friends, acquaintances or from people you don't even know. Here are a few steps that could help you handle rejection:

1. Let Go of Rejecting and Judging Yourself

One of the most painful aspects of rejection is not actually the other person's rejection, but what you tell yourself about it. Tune in and see if you are rejecting and judging yourself by making any of the following judgments toward yourself:

What did I do wrong?

What's wrong with me?

I'm just not good enough. I'm not okay.

I'm not attractive enough.

I'm not smart enough.

I'm not successful enough.

I'm not interesting enough.

I'm weird. I'm too different. And so on...

If you start to pay attention to what you are telling yourself when someone rejects you, you can also start to notice that your painful feelings have much more to do with how you are treating yourself than with what is happening with the other person.

2. Stop Making Their Behaviour About You

Most of the time, when someone rejects someone else, it's because something is going on within them. What is likely going on is that they are rejecting themselves in some way and then projecting that on to you. They may be rejecting something they assume about you, that they are also rejecting in themselves. Or, perhaps they aren't feeling well, they slept badly are just plain cranky. Whatever the reason they are being rejecting, it's not about you!

Just as someone else cannot cause you to be an accepting person or a rejecting person, you cannot cause another person to be accepting or rejecting. We each decide who we want to be, each moment, and others have very little to do with our choice. Believing that you cause others to be rejecting is giving yourself more power over others than you have! You do not control who others choose to be. Not taking others' behaviour personally will be very helpful to you in lovingly managing rejection.

3. Try to imagine That the Person Being Rejecting is a Small Child Acting Out

When people are connected with themselves - with their heart and soul - they are kind and caring with themselves and others. When they are disconnected from themselves - which means that they are abandoning themselves - they can act out in mean and even violent ways. It helps us to visualize the disconnected person, not as an adult, but as an abandoned and acting out child. When you visualize this angry and abandoned child, you can feel compassion for the person rather than anger or hurt.

4. Compassion for Yourself

Even if you are not judging yourself, and even if you don't take another's behaviour personally, rejection never feels good. I always feel sad inside when someone - even someone I don't know - is being unloving to me or to someone else. My experience is that on the soul level we are all one, so when someone is mean, hurtful, withdrawn or in some other way rejecting, it hurts my heart. I put my hands on my heart and acknowledge the sadness of one human being acting unloving to another human being. It's just sad to me for people to treat each other badly, and by acknowledging the sadness and loneliness of it, I give my sad feelings the room to move through me. It doesn't take long for them to move through, and then I can move on without any residue.

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3 comments on “How to handle Rejection”

  1. Hi,

    When i read this article " How to handle Rejection" somehow i relate myself in it,because i am not a very Joel person and don't wishes to talk with new person until i feel them in my comfort zone.
    This is because i am keep rejecting me again and again.

    Thanks for the article
    Will try to follow methods as you suggest.


  2. Rejection simply put is another person's opinion. And while everyone has an opinion, one does not have to agree with all of them. Opinions can be rejected or ignored too is my opinion.

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