The autonomic nervous system controls our breathing, and oxygen inhalation is a completely unconscious process. The amount of oxygen we breathe in has an impact on the amount of energy released into our bodily cells. This occurs at the molecular level through a variety of chemical and physiological mechanisms. The simplest and most important aspect of the autonomic nervous system to manage and navigate is breathing. In reality, the chemical and physiological processes in your body are highly influenced by the way you breathe, this shows us the importance of conscious breathing.
Wim Hof, widely known as "The Iceman," is a Dutch extreme athlete and the one who developed the Wim Hof Method. Through the use of particular breathing methods and endurance to severe temperatures, Hof thinks you can do extraordinary feats by acquiring mastery over your body, breath, and mind.
To help you connect more profoundly to your body, the Wim Hof Method blends breathing, cold therapy, and dedication. It entails inhaling deeply, exhaling slowly, and holding your breath for a substantial period.
Research shows that the practice can boost immunity, improve sleep, decrease stress, and improve attention. There are, however, some risks and contraindications to be aware of.
To understand more about the Wim Hof Method and how to practise it yourself, click on the video below.