The state of being cut off from others is referred to as isolation. It can happen when a person is physically separated from others, such as when they live inside secluded regions. Isolation can also result from being emotionally cut off from a community. (It's possible that the division is real or fabricated.) COVID-19 physical distance currently emphasises the harmful consequences of isolation on mental health, although isolation was a prevalent concern prior to the epidemic.
However, Isolation is not always a terrible thing; most individuals seek solitude at some point in their lives. Being alone may be revitalising, contemplative, and soothing.
Social interaction is essential for both mental and physical wellness. Relationships, according to some academics, are a biological necessity that is essential to our well-being and survival. Some of the emotional and physical health consequences of isolation are listed below
Isolation, loneliness, and physical health problems have all been linked in several research. Higher levels of stress hormones and inflammation, heart disease, including high blood pressure and coronary artery disease, a higher chance of acquiring a handicap, and greater sensitivity to chronic illnesses like diabetes are just a few of the numerous health impacts of isolation. Isolation from others may potentially enhance one's chance of dying young.
Increasing the risk of mental health disorders like depression and dementia due to isolation is one of the downsides of this lifestyle choice. Isolation to the extreme may have devastating repercussions on one's emotional well-being. Solitary confinement can cause hallucinations, sleeplessness, PTSD, and difficulties telling time, especially when in isolation for long periods of time.
If you or someone you care about is suffering from social isolation, there are easy techniques you may employ to combat the harmful consequences of isolation. These strategies will vary in effectiveness based on the degree of the associated symptoms and effects.
Self-care methods are critical for those who are experiencing social isolation. Individuals can reduce the harmful consequences of solitude by tackling the issues it brings. Some of the straggles you can try are -
Relaxation techniques like stretching and exercise can help reduce the tension that comes from being alone, Eating healthfully, getting adequate sleep, being active and communicating with one another via phone conversations, email, text messages, social media platforms, and videoconferencing if in-person meetings are impossible due to unforeseen circumstances. can all help with mental well-being.
People who are suffering from the consequences of isolation should be aware of their symptoms and seek professional treatment if they persist or become severe. A therapist may help by recognising underlying issues and developing a therapy plan to address them. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy are two treatment modalities. CBT stands for cognitive behavioural treatment, it is a type of talk therapy where individuals might benefit by identifying misconceptions and reshaping negative thinking. On the other hand, Exposure therapy is a type of treatment that involves exposing yourself to People who participate in exposure treatment programmes who are able to break their fear and avoidance tendencies.