Digital usage has undoubtedly become a major part of our lives amid the current crisis. We’re glued to our screens like never before. The only source to communicate and stay in touch during these social distancing times is through digital media. The screens have been a saving grace for many. As we’ve become increasingly glued to our phones – out of disconnection, boredom and necessity – many of us are feeling anxiety kick up from spending so much time in front of a screen. Our physical activity has reduced and more importantly, we are ignoring the people who are sitting right next to us and connecting with someone from the other side of the world.
We get so involved in the virtual space that we tend to forget our reality. When was the last time you stopped to smell a flower? Or watched a bird make a nest to even just sit on your terrace or balcony and observe nature without getting interrupted by the texts or calls on your phone? We are all growing and developing so rapidly and not even stopping a minute to notice the beauty of things around us because we are so glued to the screens all the time.
How can you cut phone time when hours with your devices are a necessity? It’s not as easy as just turning off devices. When our entire world is on our phones right now, and our days revolve around our screens like never before, here are a few ways to lower digital usage which could lead to digital anxiety.
Schedule technology-free hours every day, stay away from your phone during meals or add technology-free activities to your schedule like meditation, breathing exercises, physical activity and etc.
When you want to use your phone, consider the reason why. If it involves negative coping behaviours like avoidance of activity or procrastination think about how you can better handle that feeling.
If you have trouble putting down your phone, try storing it in another room to distract yourself from using it. Try to switch off your phone and not think about it.
Try out non-digital media like books, newspapers and comics. You can also pick up a pencil and paper to write or draw. Reading a book will benefit you in many ways. Try to get a little creative and connect with yourself.
Your phone’s features can help you control your overall technology use. For example, you can turn off notifications for certain apps or turn off your phone entirely for a while. You can even check and track the digital usage throughout the day to help you monitor it accordingly.